
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Test 2

Hello, all!  Just a quick reminder about Tuesday's test (and hopefully you won't look like the picture above on the day of the test!).  The test will cover Chapters 9 and 15 from the Grammar Sense 4 book (Gerunds & Infinitives; and Reported Speech) as well as the vocabulary from Unit 5: Feng Shui from the NorthStar book.  Below you will find the practice test, which we will be going over on Tuesday right before the test.  Study hard and I hope to see you then!

Practice Test 2

Thursday, December 9, 2010

This difference between gerunds and infinitives... like apples and oranges.  Though we didn't get to have any apples or oranges (or raw cauliflower, for that matter) in class this week, we DID talk about gerunds and infinitives.  The homework assigned for Tuesday is pages 157 and 158 in the Grammar Sense book.  If you were absent, please study the chapter in order to catch up.  Again, I don't mind you emailing me if you have any questions and/or concerns.  Until then, stay warm and have a great weekend!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Calendar Problems

Hello all.  Apparently the calendar function at the top of this blog is acting a little "screwy" (i.e. with problems) and it seems like there is no fix in sight.  To compensate for the problems with the calendar,  I will be posting homework and assignments on the website.  If you are ever absent or just need to check the homework, please read each post instead of the calendar at the very top.

Last week, we talked about the theme of Feng Shui in the NorthStar book and how its pervasive nature is influencing architects, real estate moguls (e.g., Donald Trump), and home owners.  There is NO homework for Monday as we will be starting a new grammar topic ("Gerunds and Infinitives").  Until then, enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Black Friday

As mentioned in class earlier today, here is a link to all the deals and promotions going on at multiple stores this Black Friday:

Happy shopping!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Reminder for Next Field Trip: Wear Slippers

A HUGE thanks to everyone who participated in today's food-filled field trip!  I hope everyone got home safely and everyone enjoyed today's events (I certainly did!)  Thanks for braving the morning chill, for the New York crowds, and for your patience when I got lost.  If you took any pictures during the trip, please email them to me (before uploading them on Facebook :) )

As mentioned earlier today, there IS homework for Tuesday's class.

  1. Grammar Sense 4:  pages 270 - 271
  2. Watch the newly released The Story of Electronics about how our relentless obsession with electronics is trashing the planet.
  3. Prepare a short speech on Tuesday where you are running for the presidency in the 2012 elections.  Using noun clauses (if / whether / that / wh- words), talk about what you propose (that) / suggest (that) / recommend (that) for us to stop E-waste.
We will also go over the homework from the NorthStar chapter on Honesty (pages 30 - 32).  Until we see each other on Tuesday, relax those sore feet!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

WH- Information on Tomorrow's Field Trip

  • Who:  Global English Academy's Advanced Grammar/Oral Skills Class (T/Th 9 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.)
  • What:  Walking tour of Manhattan's Lower East Side.
  • When:  Thursday, November 11th.  Starts at 9 - 9:30 a.m.  Finishes at around 3 p.m.
  • Where:  Meeting place at Europa Cafe (and not EuroPAN Cafe, sorry!) on Seventh (7th) Avenue between Thirty-first (31st) and Thirty-second (32nd) streets.

    View Larger Map

  • Why:  To eat, to relax, to learn, to walk, to talk, but most importantly, to have fun.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Assignment in Preparation for Thursday's Field Trip

Mulberry Street, Lower East Side (circa 1900)

Mulberry Street (circa 2010)

Hello all!  I hope everyone got a chance to rest and relax this weekend (I certainly did!).

As mentioned in class, I would like you to familiarize yourself with the history and the stories behind tenements in the Lower East Side.
  1. Go to The Lower Eastside Tenement Museum Virtual Tour.
  2. Visit each of the six tenements at the very top of the website.
  3. Read the description for each apartment and listen to the accompanying audio (if available).
  4. Answer these four questions:
    • Why did the Rogarshevskys change their names to "Rosenthal"?
    • How many daughters did the wife, Nathalie, have?
    • What did the Levins do for a living?  (i.e. What was their profession?)
  5. Optionally, you can visit The History Channel's excellent article on NYC tenements here.
  6. There is also a 10-minute video slideshow featuring a very haunting look at tenement life.

As for our field trip itinerary, we will be exploring four distinct ethnic neighborhoods and learn how their heritage and traditions helped to shape the fabric of New York City, as well as American, life:  the Italians, the Chinese, the Jewish, and the Hispanic.